
What Is New Model Thinking?

New Model Thinking is a spiritual philosophy for success in life through the reconnection of the true spiritual self with universal energy

Universal energy and creativity

Universal Energy is the source of the natural world and everything ever created through the mind of man in our human world.

It is in constant, consistent, creativity throughout our every living moment, providing us with creative thoughts which we ignore in preference to the negative thoughts that overwhelm the human mind.

Those negative thoughts are a consequence of the way we have been born into a system of beliefs and opinions through what I call Old Model Thinking.

Old Model Thinking is based upon observation of the natural world, where generally the biggest and strongest survive at the expense of the smallest and weakest.

Creating the philosophical premise of “Everything In Life Is The Means To The Ends Of Something Else.”

That premise is then converted into a human hierarchy and applied as the premise of “Who Is To Be The Means To The Ends Of Whom.”

Just stop right now as you read these words and think, who or what is using you as the means to their ends to understand that premise.

Breaking free from limiting beliefs

New Model Thinking is the antidote to Old Model Thinking in that it is based upon totally integrated honesty, freeing up the mind from the worry, guilt, insecurity, and confusion that Old Model Thinking inflicts upon the minds of its victims.

“We are captives of our own identities, living in prisons of our own creation-Theodore ‘T-Bag’ Bagwell in Prison Break”

Old Model Thinking is based upon dishonesty to deliberately enslave the mind of anyone subject to its indoctrination.

New Model Thinking releases the mind from the mental prison that prevents anyone who wants to achieve the rewards of life, money, love, health, and happiness from doing so.

All the tools anyone needs to create a successful life are all contained within the posts on this website, read them and grow your success from now on.


Old Model Thinking The Secret Of Success For The Elite

The Natural Hierarchy: Observations From The Ancient World

From the earliest times in our human history, the ancient sages and philosophers noted from the natural world that there was an order of life, a hierarchy in which the smallest and weakest became the means to the ends of the largest and strongest.

It was realised that this natural hierarchy could make a  philosophical statement


Plato’s Republic: The Blueprint for Human Hierarchy

Then, over  two thousand years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher Plato published a famous work called The Republic.

Plato proposed in “The Republic,” a series of mythical notions, by which a human hierarchy could be established.

These notions, would appear to be derived from the natural law of “everything in life is the means to the ends of something else,’ and could be used to steal the spiritual power of the masses, by converting that natural law into a philosophical question:


And, by using this philosophical question.

Plato proposed  the creation of a human hierarchy, a false model of the world that would distort reality, and create a means by which the masses could be deceived into giving false power to anyone in on the secret.

And this is how it was achieved.

In “The Republic,” Plato submitted that society could be arranged into a social order.

This social order was to be arranged as follows:

The Three-Class System: Common People, Soldiers, and Guardians

“The citizens are to be decided into three classes: the common people, the soldiers, and the guardians.

The last alone is to have political power.

“There are to be much fewer of the guardians, than the other two classes.

In the first instance, it seems that the guardians are to be chosen by the legislator.

After that, they will usually succeed by heredity, but in exceptional cases, a promising child may be promoted from one of the inferior classes, while among the children of the guardians a child or young man who is unsatisfactory may be degraded.

Plato proposed that the guardians would carry out the intentions of the legislator through educational, economic, biological, and religious means.

He proposed the imposition of myth through indoctrination as follows:

Lying is to be a prerogative of the government.”

There is to be “one royal lie” which may deceive the rulers, but will, at any rate, deceive the rest of the city.”

This royal lie is to be a dogma that God has created men of three kinds, the best made of gold, the second best of silver, and the common herd of brass and iron.

Those made of gold are fit to be guardians, those made of silver should be soldiers, the others should do the manual work.

It is thought hardly likely to make the present generation believe this myth, but the next and subsequent generations can be so educated as not to doubt it.”

“They can be so educated as not to doubt it?

Here is a proposal that forms the basis of every socio-economic, political system, across the globe.

It doesn’t matter from which culture you may come from, the political hierarchy is always the same, and always without exception, based on the philosophical premise….


How Generational Brainwashing Secures the System

Clearly, it has been exposed, that this system is based on a series of lies designed to deceive and cheat the masses, to enable an elite few to make the masses the means to their ends

And they have got away with it for generation after generation, by applying that same philosophical, negative, question over and over.

This negative question applied to the masses, relies on the fact that we are to be deceived from birth through the dissemination of a myth.

A myth that uses the concept of God as an instrument of authority to make the myth believable in the mind of the brainwashed individual.

But from this deceitful proposal has evolved a model of the world, that you have been born into, and indoctrinated to believe, that the world exists and operates in a certain way.

And, all you have ever known is this model of the world passed down to you as a young child by your parents, guardians, and teachers.

These early teachings formed the beliefs and opinions you held as a very young child

Then as you grew into adulthood these opinions were reinforced by whom you mixed with, what you saw and heard on TV and radio, the internet, and by what you read in papers, books, and magazines etc.

But to ensure the continuity of the system the elite few needed a strategy to ensure that having been “educated in such a way as not to doubt it” the individual would continue through generation after generation to be a victim of this system.

This was achieved through an essay from the same works by Plato which is the second component of Old Model Thinking

In this essay I give you the mental prison you occupy that makes you believe the world exists in one way and one way only, and therefore, you can be persuaded to think and act, only within the limitations that your mental prison, places upon your mind.


Old Model Thinking- Its What Blocks You From Creating Success


Old model thinking is a system that was created by our ancient ancestors over two thousand years ago.

Religion and Philosophy as tools of control

It was created using religion and philosophy and was the earliest example of the powers that be using brainwashing to control the minds of the masses.

This system became the standard way of controlling people through their minds and variations were created worldwide and applied according to different countries, culture, and traditions.

Brainwashing and the transfer of willpower

The purpose of this brainwashing was to divert the human spiritual creative energy that exists within all of us that we identify as the power of our will so that our power was transferred to the powers that be to use to their advantage at our expense.

It was, if you like, a system of mind slavery.

How this system became undetectable

From its earliest beginnings, Old model thinking evolved over time into a sophisticated model of the world that we are all born into, so that it became impossible to detect.

This is how politicians can get away with being evasive and telling lies without being caught because they know how the system works and you don’t

It is a system used by the super rich, the bankers, priests, clever salesmen and fraudsters, as so many people since time immemorial have found out to their cost.

Breaking free with New Model Thinking

In order to use New Model Thinking to gain the money, power, health, and happiness that is so essential to live a fulfilling life.

You first need to know how Old Model Thinking was created and how it is applied to steal the energy of your will power in order that others can make you the means to their ends

You can do this by understanding how Old Model Thinking was created and how it is applied in everyday life.

Now Read Old Model Thinking How It Blocks You From Creating Success

How To Think Like A Millionaire


I guess I have always been more spiritually aware than many people I know, and that could be explained by my mother being very psychic, who says she has actually seen and spoken to, relations who have passed over.

So in 1989 I was walking along Victoria Street in London on my way home from work with a pocketful of money because I had just been paid.

I passed a shop called Books Etc and decided to enter to see if there was anything I would like to read.

My First Spiritual Guidance

Looking back now, it is clear I was spiritually drawn to a particular bookshelf and one book in particular.

It was called “How To Think Like A Millionaire,”

That book was my first introduction to a lifelong quest not only for money but for constant, consistent, self-improvement.

Three Life Changing Principles

The three major principles in that book

  • Believe You Will Get Rich
  • Become Aware That Your Situation Will Not Change Magically If You Do Nothing About It
  • You Must Passionately Desire An Improvement In Your Life

Though all new to my way of thinking, they were confirmation of that statement from the self-improvement gurus, “In order to change your life you have to change the way you think.”

The Millionaire Mindset

The book itself focused on ten successful entrepreneurs of the twentieth century namely

Henry Ford, Ray Croc, Paul Getty, Steven Spielberg, Aristotle Onassis, Soichiro Honda, Walt Disney, John Davison Rockefeller, Thomas Watson, and Conrad Nicholson Hilton.

Each story was an inspiration on its own, but there was lots of other advice through exclamations such as

  1. Think Small And You Will Stay Small
  2. I Believe In God, The Family, And McDonald’s But At Work This Order Is Reversed.
  3. To Succeed Work Hard, Never Give Up, And Above All Cherish A Magnificent Obsession

It was this last quote from Walt Disney about a “Magnificent Obsession.” that really influenced my mind to the effect that many years later I was able to build several businesses from almost no money into one million pound plus turnovers within three years just by making those ventures my “magnificent obsession.”

Another gem from the book was not only to believe you will get rich, but to also act like you are already rich.

Advice I noticed became popular after Rhonda Byrne had published her Law Of Attraction book ‘The Secret,’ in 2006

I took that advice from the book and bought a new suit, filled my wallet with one pound notes, and travelled to that lap of luxury, “The Dorchester Hotel,” in London.

There I ordered a drink and sat in the lounge surrounded by the very rich instead of all the people I usually mixed with on the bus.

The thing about that little adventure was that if I had not bought that book “How To Think Like A Millionaire,” I would never have thought of doing that.

Spiritual approach to becoming wealthy

That book and that day was to change the way I think forever.

For not only had I created a different physical experience, but I had also accessed creativity on a spiritual level too.

But I was not to realise what I had done until one day in the millennium year of 2000.

That was the beginning of what I now call New Model Thinking, the opening of the door to exponential creativity through spiritual guidance.

I hope you will be interested enough to want to know exactly what that means by reading my next and subsequent posts because they all lead to something of major benefit to the life of all who read them.

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